Friday, August 10, 2007

The Chilbo Philosophy

"Second Life represents a unique opportunity to explore ourselves as individuals, neighbors, business persons, and friends in a new world with new possibilities for creation, expression, commerce, education, and much more.

To that end, the Chilbo Community Building Project was begun in October of 2006 to explore the possibilities of creating a real sense of community in a virtual neighborhood. Residents of our neighborhood help each other succeed and prosper in our individual pursuits in Second Life, in Chilbo, and beyond.

Members of the project, either as tenants, landowners, or visitors, are all committed to the general concept that it IS possible to have a positive impact on one another through this virtual environment. Through cooperation, honest and open conversation, and mutual respect, great things are possible.

Welcome to Chilbo! We invite you to explore our neighborhood and what we have worked to create here, and we hope you enjoy your visit!"


Fleep Tuque
Chilbo Community Building Project

Last updated by Fleep Tuque 02.03.07

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